DanBred Knowledge Hub


DanBred genetics offer world-class reproductivity. Now, you can also benefit from our vast knowledge on how to attain the full potential of DanBred.


Get access to a collection of articles with valuable insights: Integration, release potential, feeding and management.


Get access to the Sow & Gilt manual and the On-farm Boar manual. Both are avaliable in App Store and Google Play.


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Feeding boars for improved longevity and lifetime productivity

Correct feeding of DanBred boars is your first step towards obtaining maximum productivity.



Boar training 2 – Evaluation of the boar

Proper boar training as well as correct semen assessment and analysis in due time, will ensure an efficient on-farm transfer of high genetic potential of DanBred.


DanBred en un clima cálido y seco

La atención cuidadosa a la alimentación de las cerdas DanBred liberará todo el potencial y establecerá un importante punto de partida en el camino hacia el éxito y maximizar la productividad.


Release potential

Prepare semen doses – correct procedures

The correct procedures in transforming the raw ejaculate into ready-to-use semen doses will maintain the uncompromised value and help unlock the full reproductive potential of DanBred genetics on farm


Release potential

Laboratory Practices – Setup good routines

A well-designed laboratory layout combined with thorough lab practices focusing on uncompromised hygiene is the backbone in producing high-quality DanBred semen doses .



Cleaning practice – secure semen quality

Cleaning and disinfection are a corner stone in semen quality - focusing on correct cleaning practice is imperative to preserving the high-quality and shelf life of DanBred semen.

Succeed with the DanBred app manuals

Developed to help you set up the correct management routines when receiving and working with breeding animals from DanBred.

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Some say that when we stop improving, you stop growing. At DanBred we share that view which is why we have created a portfolio of solutions that helps you improve your production ― and business.

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