Read how achiving the highest possible heterosis has a significant impact on production efficiency which will benefit you as a DanBred customer.
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Read how achiving the highest possible heterosis has a significant impact on production efficiency which will benefit you as a DanBred customer.
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Your choice of genetics can contribute to a more sustainable production of pork in future DanBred lead the way.
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Find out how DanBred makes it possible to produce the highest quality pork with the least possible cost.
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See how the DanBred three-way crossbreeding system can have a substantial positive effect on health and disease resistance, due to the advantage of heterosis.
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Scientists document that the huge genetic gain for growth, lean meat percentage and feed conversion in DanBred Duroc is efficiently transferred and contributes to the high profitability of DanBred crossbred finishers.
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Learn how a small change in the DanBred breeding goal will show immediate improvement at production level.
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DanBred want to find the sows with greatest genetic potential for high litter weight gain, to investigate if this is a trait we can include in our balanced breeding goal for DanBred Landrace and DanBred Yorkshire.
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To ensure the best genetics, not only in the breeding nucleus but also in production herds DanBred has developed and implemented a sophisticated data-based model in the DanBred Breeding Programme.
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The DanBred breeding goals includes traits for robustness – such as longevity – because robust pigs are healthier, stronger, more resistant to changes in their environment and maintain high productivity.
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DanBred promises that Danbred Duroc will ensure you more pork for less costs, the additional high-class pork quality we will add-in for free.
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DanBred constantly strives to increase the breeding progress for the benefit of our customers. Find here how a new DanBred method for evaluating the breeding animals will ensure an even better robustness of slaughter pigs and sows.
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The DanBred breeding goals includes traits for robustness – such as conformation – because robust pigs are healthier, stronger, more resistant to changes in their environment and maintain high productivity.
Can a sweet and social pig support its pen mates in a positive manner? DanBred is looking this via a large-scale selection experiment focused on “breeding for social pigs”.
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Interested in increasing feed efficiency on your farm? DanBred has increased performance testing capacity by 25 % which will lead to even greater and quicker genetic gains in DanBred feed efficiency.
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How does DanBred predict the future – we ask ADAM? ADAM is an advanced computer simulation programme for animal-breeding schemes which can predict what happens if we modify the breeding goal? Find more on this unique DanBred approach to breeding here.
DanBred P/S
Tel +45 38 41 01 41
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Borupvang 5D
DK-2750 Ballerup
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Drejervej 7
DK-6600 Vejen
CVR/VAT 37634328
While DanBred seeks to ensure that the information contained within this calculator/report or derived from our verbal counsel is accurate, no warranty is given in respect thereof, and, to the maximum extent permitted by law, DanBred accepts no liability for loss, damage or injury howsoever caused (including that caused by negligence) or suffered directly or indirectly in relation to information, counsel or opinions contained in or omitted from this report.